Nothing in life is simple.
A solitary drop of water upon the surface of a puddle will send forth waves, thereby impacting the entire surface of the puddle. A small pebble that already breaks the surface of that water will cause the ripples to bounce off of it, thereby becoming a contributor to the ripple effect as the waves rebound upon themselves.
Simple action can change the world. A simple sneeze can broadcast millions of tiny bacteria to a new host. A simple word can tear apart souls, rend egos, uplift spirits, quiet a squalling baby, arouse a lover, or seal another’s fate.
I offer you this week’s Sunday Scribblings: #61 - Simple topic as a paradigm of simple chaos theory, with the topic itself as a catalyst. How many entries will there be for this subject? How many will be analogous? How many shall be dynamically disparate (not “desperate”, dear Readers! lol) from each other? The topic is the drop of water and we are the pebble. As we browse other's entries, our own comments contribute to the ripples already in motion.
Simplicity begets intricacy.

14 responded with...:
you are right...anything that acts in some way influences its surrounding...all is connected in a complex manner
Let me drop a tiny pebble in the pond...
NICE! Simple and yet complex.
A wonderfully thought-provoking post. Of course, chaos theory posits that complex results come from simple underlying causes. Simplicity and complexity alongside each other - not opposites but part of the same whole (or am I stretching it too far?)
everything is interconnected, you're right! And a lot of synchronicity between Sunday Scribblers this week too!
real food for thought here, and an interesting take on the post! There are some interesting ripples that I've seen already - one of the great things about Sunday Scribblings. I have to admit, chaos theory simultaneously interests and overwhelms me.
I always love to read your writing. You always have a unique perspective and voice. Wonderful! "As we browse other's entries, our own comments contribute to the ripples already in motion." And so it goes.
Good questin in there. Can life be ever simple? Would speculations end? I hope not otherwise it ceases to be life!!
I absolutely love your post! And the ripple effect is in action...
You have inspired me to write something that I didn't know how to write. Thank you.
I like your post very much. And I am oddly content to be a pebble.
I hadn't thought of it that way - but I certainly see your point-- the flapping of a butterfly's wings...
Great post.
Hi, first time here via Sunday Scribblings. [I ADORE your site design!]
This post is so true. Recently I've discovered that even thought--a negative little unvoiced thought for example, is somehow still communicated to the people around me. They sense it and are affected by it.
Ripples...so much wisdom from water..
Wow! Simply and eloquently said.
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