
The Phenomenon of Our News...

A quick browse of the news reveals a cat named Oscar that predicts the death of patients in a Providence, RI nursing home.

This would explain why our own yowling harbinger of the 4:30 suppertime continues to torment me nightly as she sits above my pillow, licking her paws and smacking me with her head. I do not believe that our cat is predicting my own death; she is toiling to deprive me of sleep in order to steal my pillow. I can almost imagine the phrase "die, you stupid snoring bitch" running through her kitty brain.

The most evil news is the stories concerning Dr. William Petit Jr (his wife and two daughters were tied to their beds, and brutally raped and murdered during a "home invasion".) Prosecutors have not reached a decision vis-à-vis the death penalty in this case. I firmly believe both men deserve to be tied to their beds, sexually violated and allowed to perish in almost the same manner as those young girls and their mother - coated in gasoline and lit on fire.

Oh but this is America, land of the Free and Just, where coddled criminals delight in the summer sun cascading down in the exercise yards or enjoy fellowship with each other even as they watch the latest Maury Pov's "who's your baby's daddy?" episodes. These men will "languish" in prison, eating proper meals and receiving free medical care for life (thanks to our tax dollars) as the good Doctor Petit (also brutally attacked during the "invasion") must live the rest of his existence haunted by the ghosts of this incident.

Please forgive my lack of compassion for these criminals, dear Readers; at no time were these two (pathetic excuses for) human beings forced to rape the mother, and daughters (ages 17 and 11) nor were they forced to set their beds on fire and allow the women to writhe in their tight bindings, their pitiful screams filling the house as their lungs filled with noxious smoke and the flesh blistered and peeled from their bodies.

Stores such as Dr. Petit Jr's seem wedged between celebrity news these days. We are treated to monotonous feeds on the topic of Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and other party girls gone bad. I have started to wonder if the networks are run by white trash pigs named Cletus and Bubba. Who in their right mind would find these women's pathetic lives fascinating when cats predict death? I am certain that Paris Hilton (*cough*CRIMINAL*cough*) endured much trauma during her guest stay at the local jail.

Regardless, Dr. Petit has my best wishes and prayers.

6 responded with...:

Annie Jeffries said...

Yeah!! You go girl. Tell us how you really feel. I'm thinking of starting an alter ego site. I have a lot to say and a Scenes from the train wrecks of life might be a good way to start. Wadaya think girlfriend????

paisley said...

excellent choice of phenomenal news... i had heard of oscar... but not about the petits.. what a terrible story... this was a very well written piece.. thank you ..

Anonymous said...

I prefer the cat to hiltons and spears of this world.

Paul said...

Justice for al will be obtained one day. That's our hope. Yet, alongside justice there's also grace. That too is our hope.

Patois42 said...

Sometimes we can't bear to read or hear about the real news as it burdens our souls too much. So we learn to chuckle at cats and avert our eyes and ears at the mention of Paris or Britney or Lindsay or the latest rich kid in "trouble."

Tammy Brierly said...

Reading this article and seeing their faces gave me chills! Evil walks this earth and we send evil men on vacation...grrr!