
I have not bothered to update my blog in a while due to some ongoing problems with my health. I am alive and kicking, but in a feverish and groggy manner.

We have put our furniture arranging and fall cleaning on hold temporarily. We did manage to complete the dining room and have only a few articles to set up in the living room (at the moment, knickknacks are simply placed in order to keep them out of the way.) I am hoping to have the energy tomorrow to finish hanging drapes.

Thank you for all your concerned emails. I have not had an opportunity to write to anyone yet.

1 responded with...:

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Toni, dropping in and discover you are/have been ill. I've noticed the drop in activity so have not visited for a while and now this. How are you doing? Hope you are feeling better soon. Drop a line when you get a chance. Business as usual on my end. Hugs, Annie