
SS #51 - Inspiration

“Inspiration” is the weekly Sunday Scribblings’ theme. What better to inspire than a muse?

Muses are the most frequently misunderstood creatures. The muse is not the star, nor the center of attention. She is the unobtrusive being that inspires an artist or writer. She holds no glory as her own, seeking only to touch the creative mind and move on to her next interest.

My blog, obviously named, is a manifestation of my own inner mind. I have left my mark on many projects, never seeking laurels for myself. I would rather sit quietly by, proffering advice or proposing an idea. I guide and mentor others who have interest in my “field”.

This blog is where I cast aside my role and express myself for the sheer enjoyment of it. Like a fairy captivated by glimpsing her reflection on a mirror carelessly left upon the dresser, the fundamental splendor found in nature easily distracts me. Indeed, I could idle away hours disclosing my thoughts on it.

What inspires a muse? I have my own collection of “muses”; characters and short stories that I pattern off of friends or relatives. Michael Rowe is one such muse. Ox is another. Yet another can be found in Better Half. These are the people who often prompt me when I hit writer’s block. Sunday Scribblings is yet another muse – a forum that murmurs notions into all the participants’ minds.

On that note: Megg and Laini, co-owners of Sunday Scribblings, deserve a well-earned “thank you”. They approach their one-year anniversary and it is only appropriate that each of us takes a moment to tender our congratulations and gratitude. They are our bona fide muses, never questing celebrity status yet continually motivating us to further our own talents via weekly practice through their forum. Surely they have become an asset to many of us as we enthusiastically check Sunday Scribblings in the wee hours of Friday morning in anticipation of our next challenge. Bravo to them both.

Dear Readers, my gratitude to you for reading my blog. To my own muses I offer my deepest love and appreciation.

12 responded with...:

Liza on Maui said...

the muse...this post brought me back some memories...yeah, muses are inspirational. I remember in high school, we have what we call the class muse. She of course usually is the most beautiful girl in class..beautiful inside our usually.... ah thanks for bringing back the memories of my muse friends...

muse, yes, they are inspirational.

Sunday Scribblings said...

Thanks, Autrice! So glad you find inspiration in sunday scribblings! I love our little community, and the variety of muses always out in the world, if we only pay attention :-)

Sunday Scribblings said...

Thanks, Autrice! So glad you find inspiration in sunday scribblings! I love our little community, and the variety of muses always out in the world, if we only pay attention :-)

Daily Panic said...

Delightful post! I agree with you - Kudos to Sunday Scribblings!!!

Pacian said...

Be more than a muse, is that perhaps the moral of the story?

Maybe if we all took a little time out of our busy schedules to play part-time muses, we wouldn't need people to take on the role full-time.

gautami tripathy said...

Thats one good post about muses. Thanks. We truly are the muses for each other.

Kamsin said...

Love the new look blog! And I totally agree that Laini and Megg deserve cerdit for inspiring us all each week.

TMTW said...

Laini, you are most welcome. The hard work that you and Megg put into Sunday Scribblings is much appreciated.

Pacian, I agree. I think that perhaps the best way to be a muse - to inspire others - is to be true to ourselves, and to give unselfishly. However, we simply can not allow it to sap our own energies to the point where we become less than productive. Let's face it: muses don't draw paychecks. Haha.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Autrice

Anonymous said...

You have a great muse -- and a wonderful way with words. I especially like, " Like a fairy captivated by glimpsing her reflection on a mirror carelessly left upon the dresser". Well done!

NuttersNotes said...

I loved the use of an excellent word...proffered.

Great thoughts about the physical presence of the mystic muse. I was A-mused with your post....somehow muse must coincide with amuse.

Nice look on the website too!

And, just for you, the Home Depot post is up....though in an entirely different direction than I thought would happen when I first entered the parking lot.

Unknown said...

Great image, and lovely ode to those who have inspired you. I never even thought of the muses, but you're so right!

Elspeth said...

Do you like Heliconia flowers? I once looked up the derivation of their name. Some sources say they are named after Mount Helicon, the home of the 9 muses.