
Sunday Scribblings (a weekly writers forum) listed bragging as a theme. “I don’t like myself. I’m crazy about myself!” – Mae West.

Research the word “bragging”.

It is synonymous with: arrogant, bigheaded, conceited, full of yourself, immodest, vain, self-important.

It is akin to: overweening, high and mighty, egotistical, presumptuous, stuck-up, pompous, snobbish, portentous, ostentatious, imperious, and audacious.

I’ve run out of words and do not wish to look at my thesaurus.

(Autrice imparts an imperious sneer as she brags about her vocabulary skill.)

I did leave out one synonym: proud. I think the prompt should be, “What personal achievement or quality are you most proud of doing or possessing.”

I am proud of the fact that at least one person read this post.

The really tough thing about humility
is you can't brag about it.
~ Gene Brown

Listen to Autrice DelDrago  The Tinker’s Café on internet talk radio

15 responded with...:

Anonymous said...

Hehe I read your post! And yeah I used proud rather than brag too :)

TMTW said...

Yah!!! TY for stopping by!

I swear, there are some days that I want to check my blog to see if there's a nasty booger hanging on it somewhere. lol

Roan said...

You should be "proud" of your skills. I'm impressed! BJ

Linda Jacobs said...

Love that quote by Gene Brown! And now you have 3 comments!

Unknown said...

“What personal achievement or quality are you most proud of doing or possessing?”

I like your question better!

Thanks for commenting on my SS! I've just discovered your blog, but I'll be back!

Lucy said...

I totally agree! NoW - PROUD- I have no trouble with at all!
great post! :)

Rob Kistner said...

Great post -- witty... and great sketch, and brilliant quote!


Anonymous said...

Love this piece. And I am the third person to visit you. You must feel very proud indeed!

Devil Mood said...

haha I love that quote!

Bragging is seen as lack of modesty, so I think most scribblers this week are tip-toeing around the subject. ;)

linda may said...

I really liked your take on this prompt. Now you have lots of comments :)

Unknown said...

I think I'm the 11th. At least to comment. More comments than I'll probably get on my post, so that's something to brag about.

Tammy Brierly said...

LOL Perfect!

Andy Sewina said...

Clever stuff! I think you said what a lot of people wished they'd said!

anno said...

Sigh. I always wanted the ability to impart an imperious sneer...

Wonderful post! And mine is the 13th comment!

totomai said...

lol. be proud. 14 now commented on your blog :-)