
Sunday Scribblings #65: a meme

I have a secret…

This is the prompt for Sunday Scribblings #65.

I confess myself stumped. I carry no secrets. I haven’t any secret burdens of the heart. I keep nothing from my husband. I have always attempted to be honest and straightforward about any inner insecurities or self-doubts.

I would surmise that many people would take the opportunity provided by this prompt to confess inner secrets that they have pent up over a long period of time. Others will perhaps turn the prompt into a catalyst for a short fictional story (which was my first inclination for my own entry.) I shall present you with a meme instead.

Secrets Meme
Consider yourself tagged if you stopped by to read this. Reply to the meme in your own blog and then pass it along to five other people.

1.What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Mine is rather selfish. I would prefer to be left completely alone when working, and I secretly covet those times when Better Half is napping.

2. What do you secretly hate?
I secretly despise it when people have more than 15 items in the “15 items or less” line at the grocery store. Inevitably, these same people will wait until all 30 items have been scanned and the bill totaled before hauling out a gargantuan purse and fishing about the innards for payment (usually doled out in dollar bills and a bunch of change.)

3. Has anyone ever told you a deep, dark secret?
Yes. I have been taken into confidence on many things; I keep those secrets and do not use them as gossip fodder.

4. Have you ever been told a secret and then broken trust and passed it along?
Yes, I have, during my high school years. Keeping that secret would have compromised the personal safety of my friend.

5. Do you think that keeping secrets is a healthy?
I hear all sorts of rubbish concerning secrets. “Women should never reveal their grooming habits to their husbands (i.e. don’t let them see you shave your legs) in order to keep the marriage fresh.” How can we possibly keep our “female secrets” as secrets when the media bombards men with commercials covering everything from keeping our pores small to vaginal itch?

I also believe that keeping some secrets hush-hush does a disservice to our society as a whole. How many people are afraid to “come out of the closet” simply because their family can not accept their orientation? How many women remain in abusive relationships because they are afraid to confide in anyway regarding the domestic violence? Many men die yearly as a direct result of their unwillingness to disclose medical problems to their physicians.

Tag; you're It. You will not be able to right click copy off this page - I have listed the meme in simple form in the comments section.

7 responded with...:

TMTW said...

Secrets Meme

You have been tagged for this meme. Reply to the meme in your own blog and then pass it along to five other people by leaving a comment on their blog. Place your own "Secrets meme" link in their comments section, along with a copy of the rules and questions.

1.What is your secret guilty pleasure?

2. What do you secretly hate?

3. Has anyone ever told you a deep, dark secret?

4. Have you ever been told a secret and then broken trust and passed it along?

5. Do you think that keeping secrets is a healthy?

Tag - you're It.

Rob Kistner said...

Hi Autrice - I'll pass on the meme, but I wanted to say hi!

Herb Urban said...

1. Spending hours at a dollar store, flea market, garage or yard sale. You never know what you my find. I seldom by anything, but I like surprises.

2. Dirty kitchen sinks. I can live with dirty bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchens, but I need my sink to always be clean.

3. Often. So some odd reason people like to cinfide in me. I have even had strangers on the bus share secrets with me. I must have an honest face.

4. Only the secrets of strangers I have met on the bus. No harm done since no one knows them from Adam anyway.

5. It depends on the secret. If you secretly killed a stranger you met on the bus, you should probably keep that to yourself unless you can afford an expensive attorney, or you name is O.J. Simpson.

Marie said...

What a great idea! I was stumped myself about this prompt because I have told all my secrets to my husband as well. He loves me and accepts me as I am...So I shall probably do the meme and pass it along. Who knows, maybe it will lead to some great fictional piece for someone somewhere? Thanks for doing this.

Anonymous said...

Hi from me too. I seldom do memes. Not one of fortes!

Just Meg said...

1.Secret guilty pleasure-Chocolate. Sometimes, imported, or Snickers with almonds, or Hershey's with almonds. It has to have nuts; not peanuts!
2. I hate gossip! I hate mind games.
3.Yes, more often than I'd care to know!
4.Probably, I'm sure. I don't make it a habit, as of late in life. I have learned to value people, even if I don't agree.
5. Even Jesus told the people He healed to keep His identity a "secret". Sometimes, I think silence is golden.
Nice take on the prompt!

Patois42 said...

I'm already meme'd beyond belief, so I'll pass. But I love your line "commercials covering everything from keeping our pores small to vaginal itch." Made me laugh and, then, because it's so true, it made me want to cry.