
Jefferson County BMV and Rainy Days!

I woke up with a burr up my bum, figuratively speaking. It has been almost a year since we relocated to Steubenville and during that time I had not bothered to get a state driver's license. It is not that I am lazy, or too stupid to pass the test - I simply have not bothered. But, without my Ohio license, we can not register the car, and the plates were due to expire in a week. We had to get the car registered, and we were not sure if it would take four or more days for them to process things. Oh my.

"Today is the day," I thought to myself, as I struggled to open my eyes wide enough to actually find my cup of coffee and listened to the rain pouring down. "Today I will take the test." Granted, I am not usually bothered by tests of any nature, but I have had to take tests in two different states in my younger years, and it seemed that, sans any actually class time, one must spend weeks memorizing traffic codes. I did not have weeks, as I procrastinated (and us living just down the road from a very nice officer of the Ohio Highway Patrol!), hence my sudden onset of worry despite my determination to obtain my goal for the day. I flipped through the manual I had picked up a while back, shrugged at the possibility of defeat, and headed out the door an hour later.

I found the BMV offices (Wintersville... it really is a small area I live in) easily enough, and soon discovered that my fears were completely unwarranted. Not only was the test touch screen computerized, but you could skip up to ten questions, if you did not know the answer. I passed with flying colours, only skipping one (why chance my dyslexia would hamper my perfect score?), and was given my paper slip to take to the BMV registration offices. I headed back to Steubenville, turned in my slip, gave my happiest smile as BMV clerk Becky snapped my photo, and was on my way - the proud owner of a brand new Ohio State Driver's License - yup, I am an organ donor and also a registered voter. As I headed for home, I got to thinking - my, but why not register the car today as well? The title was waiting for us at the courthouse downtown, and surely it won't take long to have the vehicle inspected!

I routed home, and picked up Jeff and Dad. We soon found ourselves back at the DMV (I stopped to ask where the inspection station was), and Becky waved me forward. Apparently, I did not have to wait in line again as I had already been there that morning. Fortune was with us, and Becky was able to complete the inspection. We then headed downtown with that new slip of paper, transferred our out of state title, and headed back to the BMV for plates. But what of our old plates, with the handicap symbol on the back???! A placard would require a prescription, which meant a quick trip up to Pittsburgh PA to visit the VA. And so, the three of us headed out, giving Dad more of an opportunity to see the lush greenery along the road. We then headed back to the BMV; once again, Becky waved us in, despite the office being packed with afternoon people. A massive storm hit as we waited in line, sheets of rain pouring down, and Dad was able to appreciate a true summer storm, having waited outside to enjoy a cigarette.

I can finally say, after all the running around done today, that we are now official residents of this state. Jeff and I both have identification that distinguishes us a proud Buck-eyes, and the car bears Ohio plate. I'm sure the Highway Patrolman up the way will be pleased.

2 responded with...:

Annie Jeffries said...

Congratulations on becoming an official Ohian (is THAT a word???) And just think, you did it all in the rain. Sure wish it was raining here where it is 97 degrees and the fire index is HIGH.

TMTW said...

TY, Annie. The rain isn't so bad, but the humidity can make you wilt a bit! Well, I will send you our rain!